Star wars saga npc
Star wars saga npc

star wars saga npc

Aside from the Force, we don’t see this much in Star Wars you’re just not going to run in to that many fire-breathing rancors. Attack bonuses in 4E are higher than Saga, so they’ll need to be adjusted downward.Ī bigger challenge is the proliferation of supernatural powers (and beasts) in 4E. Wars counterparts, but those are easy to shave off. In Star Wars, that effect simply keeps making an attack for a certain number of rounds until it the targeted defense.Įyeballing the entries in D&D 4E, it looks like they have about 25-50% more hit points as their Star D&D has also held on to a generic saving throw mechanic, which is used to see if a character shakes off a given special effect (like paralysis or slowness) that round.

star wars saga npc

Of defense, where as Star Wars rolls this into Reflex.

star wars saga npc

D&D 4E retains Armor Class as a fourth type There are still key mechanical differences though. Both have gotten rid of iterative attacks in favor of a single attack per round, they’ve simplified combat actions like trip and grapple, and they have similarly streamlined skill lists. The two systems retain certain similarities they both eschew traditional saving throws in favor of Reflex, Fortitude and Will Defenses. It’s no secret that Saga Edition was used as a test bed for 4E. Because of this, Star Wars needsįewer monsters (and more NPCs) than D&D, but it’s still nice to have choices. Han and Luke were going to be fed to the sarlac after crossing Jabba the Hutt. Luke’s random encounter with a wampa ice beast on Hoth led directly to his vision of Obi-Wan, and his training on Dagaboh with Yoda.

star wars saga npc

Those were always the main drivers in the movies, and in almost every case the heroes only came up against monsters/creatures as a consequence of the story.įor example, the encounter with the trash compactor beast in A New Hope came into play because Han and Luke were rescuing the princess. It’s less about dungeon crawls and more about relationships – relationships between characters, between master and apprentice, between organizations. Now I should note that I think that at a fundamental level, Star Wars plays differently than D&D. There are certainly a number of them out there, particularly the iconic ones from the movies, but the system tends to come up a little short with more mundane critters.Īfter my third session of Star Wars, I thought back our summer playing D&D 4th Edition, and got to wondering about converting monsters from that book with use in Star Wars. One area where Star Wars: Saga Edition could use some help are its creatures.

Star wars saga npc